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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pd.3 Harvey E : I remember poem

                                                                 I remember poem              
                                            I remember driving down to Disney World
                                            the way the long trip felt smelling the 
                                            beautiful spring air and how the flowers from
                                                      outside smelled unbelievable                                     

                                                    I remember the rest stop food 
                                                the hotdogs as wide as two fingers 

                                           The hotdogs touch made my hands feel greasy
                                               the hotdogs felt like a slippery fish
                                                  I remember walking into the park 
                                                  how the screaming of all the kids
                                                          made me feel happy       

                                                Each time I recall this memory, I
                                            feel like I'm still there seeing all the kids
                                          waiting in line with cheer and seeing all the
                                                          family's having fun

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