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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Found Poem- Finn Robertson

          Mrs. Baxter pulled out three boxes from beneath the tree.  "More presents!" Frankie shouted, removing the glove.
          ''These are a little more practical, though.  We can't be as extravagant as Santa.'' Mrs. Baxter waved at the camera and then handed Frankie a box.
          Frankie quickly ripped the wrapping and opened his gift.  He pulled out a plaid shirt, 2 pairs of socks, and a new baseball.  ''cool,'' he declared, dropping the clothes on the floor and grabbing the ball to try it out with his new glove.  By this time, i was opening up my own box.  the Baxters had given me a new checkered skirt, a bright pink sweater, and a knitted scarf.
          ''I hope it all fits,'' Mrs. baxter said.  I draped the skirt around my waist.  ''I'm sure it does.  ''I'll wear it to mass today!  ''I love it all.''  Mrs. Baxter smiled.  ''I knitted that scarf myself, you know.''  I wrapped it around my neck, flinging one end over my shoulder as if i were a movie star.  ''In that case i love it even more!''
          ''Ahem.'' from behind the camera, Mr. baxter pointed to another present.  ''That one is for the two of you,'' Mrs. baxter said.  ''Whats inside?''  Frankie asked as i sat down to untie the ribbon and open the box.  i pulled out a folded note.  Frankie looked over my shoulder.  ''A peice of paper is our present?''
          ''No, Frankie.  the note says that the Baxters are paying for a call to Cuba today.  So we could wish mama and papa feliz navidad.''  I looked up at the Baxters.  They were beaming.  ''Thank you so much,'' I said.  ''That's the best gift of all!''  ''Yeah.'' Frankie nodded.  ''But that Mickey Mantle glove is a really close second!''

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