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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Pd1 Evelyn Z.; A Found Poem

Midlevel Girls
 Now you're part of the midlevel girls
Girls who aren't part of the popular crowd
smart, but not brainy.
Girls, who are average American teenage girls.
Now you're one of us.
Found poem inspired by Christina Gonzalaz's The Red Umbrella
        This scene was chosen because it shows Lucia being accepted as an American in her school. She made friends and they accepted her as a friend. Also, this scene connects with tolerance and empathy by her friends understanding how hard it would be without friends. Lucia's friends also understood how she had to leave her home and her parents for a safer life. So they wanted her to have a good stay in America, and Nebraska. That is why this scene was chosen and how it connects empathy and tolerance.

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